Steve Carroll
Name: Steve Carroll Occupation: Engineer Agency: Ducks Unlimited (DU) Steve is the supervising engineer at DU for projects in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has over 20 years of engineering and restoration experience within the environmental field and has been directly responsible for the engineering design and construction of over 40,000 acres of seasonal

Amy Hutzel
Name: Amy Hutzel Occupation: Deputy Executive Officer Agency: California State Coastal Conservancy Amy Hutzel has been devoted to Bay Area wetlands and wetland restoration for most of her professional life. She is currently a Deputy Executive Officer at the State Coastal Conservancy after having worked in their San Francisco Bay Area Program for 15 years

Anne Morkill
Name: Anne Morkill, SFBJV Management Board Chair Occupation: Refuge Complex Manager Agency: San Francisco Bay NWR Complex Anne has had a devoted career in wildlife management, starting in 1986 when she worked on black-footed ferrets and white-tailed prairie dogs with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department After several temporary seasonal appointments, Anne joined the U.S.

Brenda Goeden
Name: Brenda Goeden Occupation: Sediment Program Manager Agency: San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Brenda has been working with BCDC for 15 years and became Sediment Program Manager in 2008. Her focus at work, as described in her title, is all things sediment, particularly the beneficial reuse of dredged sediment in an effort to

Cristina Grosso
Name: Cristina Grosso Occupation: Environmental Informatics Program Manager Agency: San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) Cristina Grosso has been working with SFEI for 16 years and became the Environmental Informatics Program Manager in 2014. After majoring in Mathematics as an undergraduate, Cristina went on to get her graduate degree in Geography from San Francisco State University.

John Krause
Name: John Krause Occupation: Environmental Scientist Agency: California Department of Fish and Wildlife John Krause is a Wildlife Biologist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) for Alameda, Contra Costa and Marin counties. His career began in the late 1990’s and his work with CDFW in 2001. When asked what drew him to

Arthur Feinstein
Name: Arthur Feinstein Agency: Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge Arthur Feinstein has been a devoted conservationist for over 30 years, working to protect our treasured wetland habitats and wildlife in a variety of roles. He started as a volunteer with the Golden Gate Audubon Society where he first realized his passion for birds and

Leslie Koenig
Name: Leslie Koenig Occupation: Biologist Agency: Alameda County Resource Conservation District Leslie has been working in her current role as a Biologist with the Alameda County Resource Conservation District since 2007. Her professional career began in 2004 after graduating from Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO with a BS in Biology and minor in Chemistry.

Caitlin Sweeney
Name: Caitlin Sweeney Title: Director Agency: San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) Caitlin Sweeney started with the San Francisco Estuary Partnership in 2011 as a Senior Planner and became Director in 2015. Prior to SFEP, she worked for 12 years at the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), as a planner and ultimately as

Marc Holmes
Name: Marc Holmes Position/Occupation: Director, Bay Restoration program Agency: The Bay Institute (TBI) September 2017 Marc Holmes began his career when he walked in to volunteer at the local chapter of the Sierra Club and met Chicken (David) Nesmith. Chicken took him under his wing, and was truly inspirational. Marc attributes it to “luck’ that

Renee Spenst
Name: Renee Spenst Position/Occupation: Regional Biologist with Ducks Unlimited December 2017 Renee has been working for DU as Regional Biologist since 2008, and previously as an adjunct professor for UC Davis and Folsom Lake College. She also worked for the US Forest Service and the Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District. When asked, Renee said

John Bourgeois
Name: John Bourgeois Position/Occupation: Executive Project Manager, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project February 2018 John Bourgeois became Executive Project Manager of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project in 2009. Previously, John was a restoration ecologist with the Bay Area ecological consulting firm H. T. Harvey & Associates where he worked on numerous San

Matt Gerhart
Name: Matt Gerhart Position/Occupation: Program Manager, San Francisco Bay Area with the State Coastal Conservancy June 2018 Matt has been working for the Coastal Conservancy since 2007 when he moved back to the Bay Area after three years working for the Mendocino Land Trust on the North Coast. Initially, he worked on projects in Mendocino

Ariana Rickard
Name: Ariana Rickard Position/Occupation: Chapter Network Associate Director, Audubon California August 2018 In the fall of 2011, Ariana and her husband Pierre moved to the Bay Area from New York City. During her job-hunt, she attended a Watershed Symposium in Brentwood and happened to sit at Sandra Scoggin’s table and learned about the San Francisco

Beth Huning
Name: Beth Huning Position/Occupation: SFBJV Coordinator 2001-2018 January 2019 Beth Huning served as the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Coordinator from 2001-2018, and was a driving force behind its establishment. While working at Audubon, she collaborated with the first Joint Venture (JV) Coordinator, Nancy Schaefer, and colleagues Marge Kolar (USFWS), Marc Holmes (The Bay Institute),

Cheryl Strong
Name: Cheryl Strong Position/Occupation: Wildlife Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service May 2019 Cheryl Strong has been a wildlife biologist at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge for about 12 years. Before working for the Refuge, Cheryl worked for the San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory as the Waterbirds Program Director. The difference,

Sam Veloz
Name: Sam Veloz Position/Occupation: Climate Adaptation Group Director, Point Blue Conservation Science May 2019 Sam Veloz has been working at Point Blue for the past 9 years. He was first hired as a Spatial Ecologist in 2010 before being promoted to Director of Point Blue’s Climate Adaptation Group in 2015. In his current role Sam

Jeff McCreary
Name: Jeff McCreary Position/Occupation: Director of Conservation Programs, Ducks Unlimited, Inc. and San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV) Management Board Chair, 2018-2020 December 2019 Jeff McCreary currently serves as Director of Conservation Programs for Ducks Unlimited’s (DU) Western Region, and as the Chair of the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Management Board. His career spans over

Barbara Salzman
Position/Occupation: President, Marin Audubon Society February 2020 Barbara and Arthur Feinstein (with Sam Schuchat) receiving the 2017 State of the Estuary Legacy award Barbara Salzman is a legend. If you have ever participated in any stage of wetland restoration work in Marin County you have surely met her. She has been working in the field

Dave Halsing
Position: Executive Project Manager, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project (SBSP) July 2020 Dave Halsing has been the Executive Project Manager of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project (SBSP) since early 2019. He is not at all new to the project, however, having worked on it since 2012 as a consultant with URS and

Donna Ball
Position: Lead Scientist, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project July 2020 Donna Ball joined the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project in February 2020 as their Lead Scientist. Through a partnership between the Restoration Project and the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI), Donna works half-time guiding the Restoration Project’s Science Program and half-time on other

Marilyn Latta
Position: Project Manager, State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) November 2020 Marilyn Latta has been working with the State Coastal Conservancy since 2008 in their San Francisco Bay Program. A fifth generation Bay Area native, Marilyn has always felt a special affinity for the Bay, even though there was a lot less access to the shoreline when

Tami Church
Position: Water Resources Planner, Zone 7 Water Agency February 2021 Tami Church works for the Zone 7 Water Agency which covers water supply, flood control, and groundwater management for eastern Alameda County. She has been working in her role as a Water Resources Planner in the Integrated Planning section since 2012 where she is able

Julie Beagle
Position: Environmental Planning Team Lead, US Army Corps San Francisco District July 2021 Julie joined the SF District of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as an Environmental Planning Team Lead in the beginning of 2021. She also leads the District’s effort to incorporate Engineering with Nature principles into all USACE efforts and will

Julian Wood
Position: Point Blue Conservation Science – San Francisco Bay Program Leader May 2022 After graduating from Earlham College in 1995 with a BA in Biology, Julian Wood became an itinerant field biologist using his skills and love of ornithology to ‘get around’, so to speak. He started as a volunteer at the River Rouge Bird Observatory

Beth Huning
Beth Huning served as the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Coordinator from 2001-2018, and was a driving force behind its establishment. While working at Audubon, she collaborated with the first Joint Venture (JV) Coordinator, Nancy Schaefer, and colleagues Marge Kolar (USFWS), Marc Holmes (The Bay Institute), Holly Andree (Ducks Unlimited), Carl Wilcox (CDFW), and others

Caroline Warner
Position: Communications and Outreach Coordinator – SFBJV (2002-2022) June 2022 Caroline Warner had a magical inception with the SFBJV partnership thanks to serendipity and a story worth telling. Fresh out of college from Georgetown University, she worked for Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary (RBAC), from 1985-86 and bi-annually in April until 1994: first as
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Introducing our new JV Management Board Members
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Beth Huning, San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Coordinator 2001 – 2018, Inducted into California Waterfowler’s Hall of Fame
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20 years later, a loving farewell to Sandra Scoggin
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Jeff McCreary Honored with the Bruce Wolfe Spirit of Conservation Award!
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