NFWF Funding Opportunities page

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports more than 70 grant programs to protect and restore our nation’s wildlife and habitats. This is a general information page listsing all of their funding opportunities, application requirements including upcoming deadlines.

Napa County Wildlife Conservation Commission Grants

The Wildlife Conservation Commission grant funding supports projects aimed at the preservation and enhancement of wildlife and their habitats. Funding proposals submitted must advance the purposes listed in Section 13103 of the California Fish and Game Code. The annual grant funding window for Napa County wildlife projects generally opens around the third week in March … Read more

East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancys science and research grant

The Conservancy’s Science and Research Grant Program funds research that endeavors to illuminate, and where possible to resolve, uncertainties associated with management of the natural communities and species covered by the HCP. Research selected for funding will aid in achieving the biological goals and objectives of the Plan and inform management actions and/or contribute to … Read more

California Bay Watershed Education and Training Program

The CA Bay -WET Program solicits proposals that Build Capacity for Implementing Climate Literacy in Classrooms. California B-WET funds locally relevant, authentic experiential learning for K-12 audiences through Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs). MWEEs involve learning both outdoors and in the classroom as students engage in issue definition, outdoor field experiences, synthesis and conclusions, and … Read more

Species Recovery Grants to States

The Species Recovery Grants to States Program is authorized under section 6 of the Endangered Species Act. Species Recovery Grants to States support management, research, monitoring, and/or outreach activities that have direct conservation benefits for listed species under the ESA within that state. Recently delisted species, proposed, and candidate species are also eligible. Projects focusing … Read more

Candidate Species Conservation Fund

The principle objective of this Candidate Species Conservation funding opportunity is to accomplish conservation tasks for high priority candidate species (based on our annual Candidate Species Assessments) or other at-risk species in the United States, such that identified threats to the species may be reduced or eliminated. These efforts are based on cooperative relationships with … Read more

WCB Continuous Grant Applications

In March 2022 WCB released new guidelines for applying for WCB grants on a continuous basis. Management will evaluate the pre-application and request a full application if deemed competitive, and decide which program and funding source is most applicable. This new process will allow applicants to have consultation throughout the process.

Sea Grant California

The goal of this funding opportunity is principally to improve regulatory outcomes through greater understanding of the human health risk and ecological risk due to deep ocean DDT+ deposits (i.e., ocean disposal sites, other coastal sources, and DDT processes) in the Southern California Bight.  Thus, the funding priorities outlined below are driven both by State … Read more

Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation (EEM) Program

The Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation (EEM) Program is an annual program established by legislation in 1989 and amended on September 26, 2013. It offers grants to local, state, and federal governmental agencies and to nonprofit organizations for projects to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by new or modified public transportation facilities.  

Land and Water Conservation Fund

Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grants provide funding for the acquisition or development of land to create new outdoor recreation opportunities for the health and wellness of Californians.  Since 1965, over one thousand parks throughout California have been created or improved with LWCF assistance.