Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative

The 2023 land trust grant program will fund up to fourteen grants via two tracks: Capacity and Partnership Projects: 6 grants of $5,000 each Management and Restoration Projects: 8 grants of $25,000 each This is an annual grant cycle with the RFP for the small grant program opening in January and proposals due March 1. … Read more

Acres for America

Acres for America is the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s (NFWF) premier land conservation program, and was established to provide urgently needed funding for projects that conserve important large-scale habitats for fish, wildlife, and plants through voluntary land acquisitions and perpetual conservation easements. Pre-Proposal Due Date: May 5, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time Preferential … Read more

Sea Otter Recovery Grant

Coastal Conservancy grants funded by the California Sea Otter Fund can be used for a variety of activities related to southern sea otter recovery and improving the nearshore ecosystem. Conservancy priorities for the funding are as follows: Plan and implement projects to improve or expand southern sea otter habitat; Reduce environmental stressors impacting southern sea … Read more

Environmental Enhancement Fund

Grant proposals are not currently being accepted for this fund. Please check back summer 2023 or contact for updates on the next request for proposals. The objective of this grant program is to award grants to nonprofit organizations, cities, counties, cities and counties, districts, state agencies, and departments; and, to the extent permitted by … Read more

CDFW Restoration Grants Funding

Proposition 68 provided funding to CDFW to award grants to projects that improve a communities ability to adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change; improve and protect coastal and rural economies, agricultural viability, wildlife corridors, or habitat; develop future recreational opportunities; or enhance drought tolerance, landscape resilience, and water retention. $200 Million in New … Read more

San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund

EPA’s Request for Applications are now closed and as of 2/2/23 expects to release FY23 RFA in later spring, early summer. EPA’s SFBWQIF RFA (EPA-R9-SFBWQIF-22-01) has accepted applications for approximately $24 million in grant funding to protect and restore San Francisco Bay watersheds and wetlands. Selected projects receive between $1,000,000 and $3 million to focus … Read more

Santa Clara County Mini Grants Program

Valley Water offers various grants to qualified organizations looking to make a lasting change in our communities. We may be able to help if you have a project idea that: Promotes water conservation Helps prevent pollution Restores wildlife habitat Increases access to trails and open space Helps clean up creeks Educates students or the public … Read more

Endangered Species Habitat Conservation Plan Land Acquisition (HCPLA) Grant Program

The Endangered Species Habitat Conservation Plan Land Acquisition (HCPLA) Grant Program provides funding to States and Territories for the acquisition of threatened and endangered species habitat in support of approved HCPs. Grants do not fund any mitigation required of an HCP permittee, but are instead intended to support land purchases that complement actions associated with … Read more

Urban Grant Program

The Open Space Authority Urban Grant Program is funded by Measure Q and Measure T, passed in 2014 and 2020. These measures describes key programs, including a Grants Program. Each year, the Board of Directors will determine the appropriate amount to be allocated to the grant program, up to 25 percent of the revenues generated. … Read more