Habitat for Humans
All people should have access to open space. But in some cases, even where those resources exist, they go underutilized. Here are some strategies to address that issue.
All people should have access to open space. But in some cases, even where those resources exist, they go underutilized. Here are some strategies to address that issue.
On today’s report, you’ll hear a great story about how land is being converted from a dairy back to wetlands, allowing the tide to flow once again after an absence of some 60 years.
This is Part 2 in our conversation with Mark Holmes, the director of The Bay Institute’s restoration program, and also a member of the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Management Board.
We always want to let you know about ways you can learn about your wetlands and the plants and wildlife that inhabit them.
Len Materman, Executive Director of the San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority discusses the challenges of reconnecting marshes with upstream sediment, while maintaining flood protection and environmental benefits over time. Visit FloodControl.sfei.org for a complete suite of tools available for flood control and environmental project managers. For more information: San Francisco Bay Joint Venture – www.sfbayjv.org San Francisco … Read more
From single to multi-purpose flood control channel: join Paul Detjens, Senior Civil Engineer with the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District in discussing what the Flood Control 2.0 project brought to the ongoing Lower Walnut Creek Restoration Project. Visit FloodControl.sfei.org for a complete suite of tools available for flood control and environmental project managers. … Read more
For this Autumnal Equinox Program Series, we provide some great ideas about places where you can go to watch the Fall migration of birds coming to and through the Bay Area this time of year.
Muir Beach is just down the road from Muir Woods National Monument in southern Marin County. We’re filing a number of reports about Muir Beach because it is a beautiful place to visit, but also because the National Park Sservice is working to restore the creek, lagoon, and surrounding landscape.
Some of the stories that fascinate us the most are the ones that are beneath the surface. They’re hard to see but from an environmental perspective they are often as important as the heart and lungs are to us.
As you may know, there are many wetland restoration projects going around the Bay Area at this moment. In fact, these projects are part of the largest wetland restoration effort in North America.