Flood Control 2.0 Implementation Project Lower Walnut Creek
From single to multi-purpose flood control channel: join Paul Detjens, Senior Civil Engineer with the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District in discussing what the Flood Control 2.0 project brought to the ongoing Lower Walnut Creek Restoration Project. Visit FloodControl.sfei.org for a complete suite of tools available for flood control and environmental project managers.
Flood Control 2.0 Implementation Project San Francisquito Creek
Len Materman, Executive Director of the San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority discusses the challenges of reconnecting marshes with upstream sediment, while maintaining flood protection and environmental benefits over time. Visit FloodControl.sfei.org for a complete suite of tools available for flood control and environmental project managers. For more information: San Francisco Bay Joint Venture – www.sfbayjv.org San Francisco
Flyway Festival
We always want to let you know about ways you can learn about your wetlands and the plants and wildlife that inhabit them.
Funding Restoration Efforts
This is Part 2 in our conversation with Mark Holmes, the director of The Bay Institute’s restoration program, and also a member of the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Management Board.
Giacomini Wetland Restoration Project
On today’s report, you’ll hear a great story about how land is being converted from a dairy back to wetlands, allowing the tide to flow once again after an absence of some 60 years.
Habitat for Humans
All people should have access to open space. But in some cases, even where those resources exist, they go underutilized. Here are some strategies to address that issue.
Habitat Joint Ventures
A Habitat Joint Venture under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan is an agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Under this agreement there are Habitat Joint Ventures. These are public-private partnerships which address issues of habitat restoration and preservation.
Hamilton Wetland Restoration Project Part 1
A massive transformation is underway at an old airfield in Marin County. I recently visited the site of the new Hamilton Wetland Restoration Project, formerly the Hamilton Army Airfield in Novato.
Hamilton Wetland Restoration Project Part 2
This is the second report regarding the Hamilton Wetland Restoration Project. A huge collaborative effort is underway to restore a massive tract of marshland.
Hamilton Wetlands Restoration Project
Around the San Francisco Bay there are a number of wetland restoration projects going on. These include some small tidal wetlands and creek restoration projects. And then there are larger projects. In the North Bay, there is the restoration at the Napa Sonoma Marsh and the Hamilton Wetlands Project. And in the South Bay, the
Herons Head Park Part 1
One of the most interesting, intriguing, and inspiring visits to a park I’ve ever had was the walk I was invited to take through Heron’s Head Park.
Herons Head Park Part 2
This is part two of a series on Herons Head Park located in San Francisco.
Highway to the Flyway the Road to Restoration On San Pablo Bay
I’ve always enjoyed good storytellers and when it comes to wetland restoration here in the Bay Area, Bay Nature is one publication that stands out as a source for a great story.
History of Wetlands
It’s estimated that about 90% of historical wetlands in the San Francisco Bay Area have been lost. But there are opportunities to bring back or restore some of those wetlands.
Invasive Cordgrass
Spartina is a genus of grass species found throughout the world. Along the coast of North America you’ll find two native species, Atlantic Smooth Cordgrass and Pacific Cordgrass. In the 1970s, the non-native Atlantic Cordgrass was introduced into San Francisco Bay.
Jobs in Wetland Restoration
Personally, I’ve always thought that restoring the Earth is not only a good idea for the environment, but also for people, and our economy.
Laguna De Santa Rosa
I recently embarked on an adventure exploring one of Northern California’s and indeed one of North America’s greatest natural resources. Sonoma County’s majestic Laguna De Santa Rosa was once written off as a polluted wasteland. Now, it’s being recognized as a rich habitat for endangered species and an ecological treasure.
Long Term Impacts From Oil Spill
Last November, a devastating 58,000 gallons of oil spilled into San Francisco Bay after the Cosco Busan crashed into the Bay Bridge. Over a thousand seabirds were killed and many more were collected and treated by local response crews.
Lower Novato Creek Redesign Project
There are extraordinary restoration projects being designed all around San Francisco Bay. One of them is in the North Bay and it’s called the Lower Novato Creek Redesign Project.
May is American Wetlands Month
May is American Wetlands Month. It’s a time for us to reflect on what makes these natural resources valuable to us all.
Measuring Conservation in an Evolving Landscape
How do you measure the quality and effectiveness of environmental restoration?
Napa Sonoma Marshes
Much of the wetland habitat around the San Francisco Bay has been lost. But one huge restoration effort is occurring in the North Bay. The Napa Sonoma Marshes encompass some 30,000 acres.
Nature Within Reach
On May 21st, we visited the 10th Annual Conference of the Bay Area Open Space Council, and spoke with the organization’s Executive Director, Bettina Ring, about the priorities and emerging issues of importance to the many organizations that make up the Council.
Nature Within Reach License Plate
You can share your passion for environmental conservation and get creative with your gift giving this holiday season by purchasing a Nature Within Reach License Plate for your friends and family.
More Featured Partners
Visiting the National Wildlife Refuge with Congressman Khanna’s Office
Headquartered in Fremont, CA, the Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is an oasis in a densely populated urban center – the San Francisco Bay. The NWR provides 30,000 acres of habitat for millions of migratory birds along the Pacific Flyway and endangered species, such as the California Clapper Rail and Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse,
Introducing our new JV Management Board Members
The SFBJV has undergone many transformations since August 2023, with a new Coordinator, Management Board Chair & Vice Chair, and 12 new Management Board members. The Management Board guides the work of the JV, ensuring that our partnership is achieving the 2022 Implementation Strategy goals. We are incredibly grateful for the support and leadership from
Beth Huning, San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Coordinator 2001 – 2018, Inducted into California Waterfowler’s Hall of Fame
It is with great joy that we celebrate Beth Huning’s induction into California Waterfowler’s Hall of Fame. The California Fish and Game Commission established the Waterfowler’s Hall of Fame in 1999 to recognize leaders for their significant contributions to protecting waterfowl and their habitats across California. The 2023 inductees also include Daniel P. Connelly, Joseph
DC Debrief: Migratory Bird Joint Venture Fly In 2024
The DC “Fly In” occurs at the beginning of each calendar year and is organized by the Association of Joint Venture Management Boards to advocate for funding and support of the Migratory Bird Joint Venture Program (MBJV), a tri-national program with 23 habitat and three species Joint Ventures. During the week of March 4th, 2024,
20 years later, a loving farewell to Sandra Scoggin
On June 7, 2023, the SFBJV community came together to celebrate, bid farewell, and thank Sandra Scoggin for her 20 years of service to the JV, and to acknowledge her nearly 30 years in wildlife conservation. Several partners highlighted Sandra’s accomplishments and leadership, speaking to her dedication, hard work, kind and inclusive leadership style, and
Jeff McCreary Honored with the Bruce Wolfe Spirit of Conservation Award!
On Friday, October 14th, the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV) awarded Jeff McCreary the Bruce Wolfe Spirit of Conservation Award. This award recognizes individuals and organizations who are significantly advancing wetland habitat conservation in the Bay Area. Jeff’s dedication to the mission of the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV) includes chairing both the