A 15,000 Acre Restoration Project
State and Federal wildlife officials are unveiling a billion dollar plan to restore 15,000 acres of tidal marshland over the next half century. The project is the largest ever of its kind in California and it’s among the biggest habitat restoration efforts in United States. What were once the Cargill Salt Ponds are on their
Alameda Wildlife Refuge
When the endangered California Least Tern was discovered nesting at the Alameda Naval Air Station back in the 1970s, a group of concerned community members were mobilized. They formed the Friends of the Alameda Wildlife Refuge to help protect these rare birds.
An Earth Day for the Birds
Spring is here as is the 4oth anniversary of Earth Day and this is a very appropriate time to think about birds and what we can do to protect them.
Bay Area Special License Plate
Today you’ll learn about a wonderful and very simple way you can help environmental organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Benefits of Restoring Wetlands
It’s estimated that 52% of the nation’s historic wetlands have been lost but there are many efforts underway to restore them.
Birding Around the Bay with SFBJV Coordinator Beth Huning
For this edition of Your Wetlands we offer a Summer Solstice update.
Bird Watching Around the Bay
If you want to see some birds this winter, here are some suggestions.
California Important Bird Areas
The Important Bird Areas Program is part of a national and international effort to conserve key habitats for birds during their breeding, migratory, and wintering seasons. It also focuses resources on those areas that are most critical to maintaining bird populations.
Calling Youth to Action
One Northern California environmental organization has created something called Summer Service Days, a call to service aimed at youth and the general public.
Champion of the Bay Florence Lariviere
Many of the wetlands that we enjoy today were saved because of the work of dedicated people decades ago. Today, you’ll meet one of the people we’re calling a Champion of the Bay.
Changing Landscapes
For thousands of years, San Francisco Bay and the Northern California Coastline have undergone tremendous geological transformations. These changes have sometimes been due to natural forces, while at other times, human have triggered a flux.
Climate Change and the Bay
Well, the Global Change Change debate appears to be over. We’ve finally begun to accept the fact that not only is Global Warming real, it poses a real threat to communities worldwide.
Closing Military Bases
There are military installations all over the United States which are slated to be converted to civilian use. One example is the Concord Naval Weapons Station across the Bay from San Francisco. It is one of the largest areas of open land in the East Bay.
Conservation Through Bird and Ecosystem Research
I’d like to tell you about a Bay Area organization that has been leading the way in conservation science for over four decades.
Disturbing Birds
While many of us enjoy getting out into natural areas, few of us realize the profound impacts we can have on wildlife if we’re not careful. This is especially true when it comes to birds and their nesting areas.
Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge
The Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge is huge by urban wildlife refuge standards. It comprises some 30,000 acres.
Drains to Bay
When Save the Bay was founded in 1961, its main objective was preventing San Francisco Bay from being filled in by developers. Nearly 50 years later its mission is still to protect the Bay.
Eden Landing
As you may know, there are many wetland restoration projects going around the Bay Area at this moment. In fact, these projects are part of the largest wetland restoration effort in North America.
Some of the stories that fascinate us the most are the ones that are beneath the surface. They’re hard to see but from an environmental perspective they are often as important as the heart and lungs are to us.
Expanded Trails and Public Access at Muir Beach
Muir Beach is just down the road from Muir Woods National Monument in southern Marin County. We’re filing a number of reports about Muir Beach because it is a beautiful place to visit, but also because the National Park Sservice is working to restore the creek, lagoon, and surrounding landscape.
Fall Birding with Beth Huning
For this Autumnal Equinox Program Series, we provide some great ideas about places where you can go to watch the Fall migration of birds coming to and through the Bay Area this time of year.
More Featured Partners
Visiting the National Wildlife Refuge with Congressman Khanna’s Office
Headquartered in Fremont, CA, the Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is an oasis in a densely populated urban center – the San Francisco Bay. The NWR provides 30,000 acres of habitat for millions of migratory birds along the Pacific Flyway and endangered species, such as the California Clapper Rail and Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse,
Introducing our new JV Management Board Members
The SFBJV has undergone many transformations since August 2023, with a new Coordinator, Management Board Chair & Vice Chair, and 12 new Management Board members. The Management Board guides the work of the JV, ensuring that our partnership is achieving the 2022 Implementation Strategy goals. We are incredibly grateful for the support and leadership from
Beth Huning, San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Coordinator 2001 – 2018, Inducted into California Waterfowler’s Hall of Fame
It is with great joy that we celebrate Beth Huning’s induction into California Waterfowler’s Hall of Fame. The California Fish and Game Commission established the Waterfowler’s Hall of Fame in 1999 to recognize leaders for their significant contributions to protecting waterfowl and their habitats across California. The 2023 inductees also include Daniel P. Connelly, Joseph
DC Debrief: Migratory Bird Joint Venture Fly In 2024
The DC “Fly In” occurs at the beginning of each calendar year and is organized by the Association of Joint Venture Management Boards to advocate for funding and support of the Migratory Bird Joint Venture Program (MBJV), a tri-national program with 23 habitat and three species Joint Ventures. During the week of March 4th, 2024,
20 years later, a loving farewell to Sandra Scoggin
On June 7, 2023, the SFBJV community came together to celebrate, bid farewell, and thank Sandra Scoggin for her 20 years of service to the JV, and to acknowledge her nearly 30 years in wildlife conservation. Several partners highlighted Sandra’s accomplishments and leadership, speaking to her dedication, hard work, kind and inclusive leadership style, and
Jeff McCreary Honored with the Bruce Wolfe Spirit of Conservation Award!
On Friday, October 14th, the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV) awarded Jeff McCreary the Bruce Wolfe Spirit of Conservation Award. This award recognizes individuals and organizations who are significantly advancing wetland habitat conservation in the Bay Area. Jeff’s dedication to the mission of the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV) includes chairing both the