Adaptive management is a systematic approach for improving resource management by learning from management outcomes. Much of the work being done to restore San Francisco Bay and its surrounding wetlands is employing adaptive management practices. Here we include current efforts the SFBJV is participating in that involve adaptive management.
South Bay Salt Pond Project
The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project is the largest tidal wetland restoration project on the West Coast. When complete, the project will restore 15,100 acres of industrial salt ponds to a rich mosaic of tidal wetlands and other habitats. Their detailed adaptive management plan is designed to help guide the planning and implementation of each project phase and lays out both the background and foundations of this strategic approach to restoration.
Wetland Regional Monitoring Program (WRMP)
The WRMP will improve wetland restoration project success by putting in place regional-scale monitoring to increase the impact, utility and application of permit-driven monitoring and inform science-based decision-making.
State of the Birds SF Bay
To understand how birds are faring across the region, the SFBJV and Point Blue Conservation Science are bringing together partners to coordinate on status and trend analysis of bird populations. We will align on indicators and metrics of common interest; leverage long-term regional datasets that can provide up-to-date information on wildlife status and trends; propose a shared reporting format and data sharing platform, and develop an efficient, repeatable analysis and reporting strategy to collectively better understand how conservation investments are working over time.