Restoring Wetlands Through Partnership-Driven Collaboration

  • Scientists – informing conservation and management decisions
  • Funders – providing the needed dollars to help turn visions into reality
  • Project Managers – working on-the-ground, where the work really happens
  • Advocates – publicly recommending and supporting wetland restoration
  • Decision makers – holding the key to getting projects done

Habitat Delivery

We work to preserve and restore habitats that will sustain healthy populations of waterfowl, shorebirds and other wetland dependent species.

How We Do It

  • Collaboration and Coordination – “We provide forums for the sharing of ideas and information to foster innovation and creative approaches to conservation” – with meeting/people photo
  • Find Funding  – “We secure, increase and find funding that helps our partners realize their vision and goals.”
  • Project Tracking – “We have the birds eye view on all active, completed and pending wetland conservation projects around the Bay”
  • Share our Story (could link to videos, partner features, or project features) – “We celebrate and share, news, events, employment opportunities and successes of our partnership

We focus our attention where we can make the most difference

Get your feet wet! There are many ways to be involved with bird and habitat conservation.

Conservation News Around The Bay

National Wildlife Refuge Week 2024!

October 13 – 19th, 2024 is National Wildlife Refuge week! The National Wildlife Refuge System, managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), provides vital habitat for thousands of native species and offers free recreational opportunities. The San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex includes seven Refuges, three of which sit within the San

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Visiting the National Wildlife Refuge with Congressman Khanna’s Office

Headquartered in Fremont, CA, the Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is an oasis in a densely populated urban center – the San Francisco Bay. The NWR provides 30,000 acres of habitat for millions of migratory birds along the Pacific Flyway and endangered species, such as the California Clapper Rail and Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse,

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Introducing our new JV Management Board Members

The SFBJV has undergone many transformations since August 2023, with a new Coordinator, Management Board Chair & Vice Chair, and 12 new Management Board members. The Management Board guides the work of the JV, ensuring that our partnership is achieving the 2022 Implementation Strategy goals. We are incredibly grateful for the support and leadership from

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