
Sonoma County Fish and Wildlife Commission Grant Program

California Fish and Wildlife Code Section 13100 requires that funds deposited into the Sonoma County Fish and Wildlife Special Revenue Fund be distributed to deserving projects that benefit fish and wildlife. In order to be considered, project activities must be limited to one of the following:

  • Improvement of fish or wildlife habitat.
  • Public education relating to the scientific principles of fish and wildlife conservation or operation of nature study facilities.
  • Purchase and/or maintenance of materials, supplies, or equipment for either Fish and Wildlife’s ownership and/or use by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife in the normal performance of its responsibilities.
    Scientific fish and wildlife research conducted by institutions of higher learning, qualified researchers, or governmental agencies, if approved by California Department of Fish and Wildlife Region 3 representative.
  • Temporary emergency treatment and care of injured or orphaned wildlife.
  • Temporary treatment and care of wildlife confiscated by Fish and Wildlife as evidence.
  • Breeding, raising, purchasing or releasing fish or wildlife, which are to be released upon approval of Fish and
  • Wildlife pursuant to Sections 6400 and 6401 onto land or into waters of local, state or federal agencies or onto land or into waters open to be public.
  • Construction, maintenance, and operation of public hatchery facilities.
  • Predator control actions for the benefit of fish or wildlife following certification in writing by Fish and Wildlife that proposed actions will significantly benefit a particular wildlife species.
  • Contributions to a secret witness program for the purpose of facilitating enforcement of this code and regulations adopted pursuant to this code, as approved by Fish and Wildlife.
  • Other expenditures, approved by Fish and Wildlife, for the purpose of protecting, conserving, propagating, and preserving fish and wildlife.

More information on how to apply is available on the website link below.

Funding Agency

County of Sonoma


(707) 6565 2029



Funding Cycle

Ongoing – 2 weeks prior to regular Commission meeting

Application Deadline