
Sea Otter Recovery Grant

Coastal Conservancy grants funded by the California Sea Otter Fund can be used for a variety of activities related to southern sea otter recovery and improving the nearshore ecosystem. Conservancy priorities for the funding are as follows:

  • Plan and implement projects to improve or expand southern sea otter habitat;
  • Reduce environmental stressors impacting southern sea otters;
  • Implement critical recovery actions of the Federal Southern Sea Otter Recovery Plan;
  • Research that will inform actions or strategies to advance critical sea otter recovery actions, improve or expand sea otter habitat, or reduce stressors on southern sea otters.

The RFP for this program generally comes out in July and as of 2/7/23 the deadline here is based on past deadline timing.

Funding Agency

California State Coastal Conservancy




Funding Cycle

Application Deadline

September 1, 2023