
Nonpoint source grants

The 2023 Nonpoint Source (NPS) Grant Program will support projects that reduce and mitigate the effects of nonpoint source pollutants such as sediment, pesticides, and nutrients, to waters of the state within priority watersheds identified by the Regional Water Quality Control Boards (see section H for Program Preferences).

Most of the funding in the NPS Grant Program is earmarked for implementation projects, or projects that implement management practices to improve impaired waters. Implementation includes activities such as finalizing (or limited updating if necessary) design plans (e.g. 60% – 100% design plans); obtaining project permits; constructing or installing management practices; and personnel services, indirect costs, operating expenses, monitoring, targeted education/outreach events that promote the proposed implementation, and reporting necessary to support construction.


Funding Agency

State Water Resources Control Board and United States Environmental Protection Agency




4.5 million total

Funding Cycle

annual with December deadline estimated on 2/1 based on previous years

Application Deadline

December 16, 2023