We understand that funding for projects often requires a combination of sources including federal budget appropriations, state bonds and propositions, regional funding measures, and private foundations. We have partnered with Coastal Quest to merge our funding databases to create a comprehensive list of state, federal, and other funding opportunities related to climate resilience, restoration, habitat and wildlife proteciton, environmental justice, and nature-based solutions.
If you have a funding opportunity you would like added to the database, please email Kelli McCune at .
Grants you may need help applying for:
Measure AA grants
The San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority gives priority to projects based on ten criteria, one of which is being consistent with the SFBJV Implementation Plan. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that your project is on our project list found on our projects page. We encourage you to consult with us prior to applying.
North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Grants
The NAWCA program provides matching grants to wetland conservation projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. There are two NAWCA grants, known as the Small Grants and Standard Grants programs. The application process for both is rigorous and coordination well in advance with a JV Coordinator is strongly encouraged.
In brief, the Standard Grants Program provides project funds up to $3,000,000 with two application cycles each year, typically in July and February. The Small Grants Program provides project funds up to $250,000 with one cycle in the fall, usually in October. The Small Grants Program has a strong emphasis on new partnerships and, when appropriate, may be used as a stepping stone to a larger Standard grant. Both grant programs are competitive and have a minimum match requirement of 1:1 federal to non-federal funds. More information can be found on the NAWCA page.
SFBJV small grants
The SFBJV, in some years, has limited funding for projects or programs that help to implement our goals. Proposals may be submitted to any SFBJV staff for projects that support our annual work plan, address our highest priority monitoring or research needs, or are identified in the JV Implementation Plan. The SFBJV is not currently offering small grants at this time. More information on our small grants can be found on our projects page.