Our working committees are where ideas are put into action.
Our committees are working groups of people who meet regularly to discuss anything and everything that may impact our efforts to protect and restore Bay Area wetlands and the birds and other animals who rely on them. Membership is open to anyone, but particularly those with an interest or involvement in bird conservation and/or all aspects of wetland restoration including design, permitting, project management, construction, research, monitoring, education and more. Each committee has a chair, a charter, and is supported by SFBJV staff.
If you are interested in joining a committee please reach out directly to the committee chair.

Julian Wood, Chair
This is where the conservation community comes together to get habitat projects reviewed and implemented. It is also the place where partners can exchange information, stay current on the latest science and research, share observations from monitoring efforts, discuss emerging issues, present findings and discoveries and/or propose and review restoration projects for adoption.
Partner Organizations
- Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
- Audubon California
- Bay Conservation and Development Commission
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- California Land Stewardship Institute
- California State Parks Foundation
- Citizens’ Committee to Complete the Refuge
- City of Hercules
- City of San Jose
- Conservation Corps North Bay
- Contra Costa County Community Development Department
- Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District
- Contra Costa Resource Conservation District
- Ducks Unlimited
- East Bay Regional Park District
- Friends of the Petaluma River
- Golden Gate Audubon Society
- Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy
- Golden Gate National Recreation Area
- Invasive Spartina Project
- Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
- Literacy for Environmental Justice
- Marin Audubon Society
- Marin County Public Works Department
- Mt. View Sanitary District
- Muir Heritage Land Trust
- Napa County Resource Conservation District
- National Estuarine Research Reserve
- National Park Service
- Natural Heritage Institute
- NOAA Fisheries
- PG&E Company
- Phil Williams & Associates
- Planning & Conservation League (Bay Delta)
- Point Blue Conservation Science
- Presidio Trust
- Restoration Design Group
- Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary
- Romberg-Tiburon Center
- Salmon Protection and Watershed Network
- San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory
- San Francisco Bay Joint Venture
- San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
- San Francisco Estuary Institute
- San Francisco Estuary Partnership
- San Francisco State University
- San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority
- San Francisquito Watershed Council
- San Jose State University
- San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge
- Santa Clara Valley Water Distirct
- Save The Bay
- Sierra Club San Francisco Bay
- Solano Land Trust
- Sonoma Ecology Center
- Sonoma Land Trust
- Sonoma Resource Conservation District
- State Coastal Conservancy
- The Bay Institute
- The Watershed Project
- Trust for Public Land
- UC Davis
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- US Fish and Wildlife Service – Coastal Program
- US Geological Survey
- Wildlife Conservation Board

Renee Spenst, Ph.D. , Chair
The science committee advises both the conservation committee and management board. Members are sought for their expertise to help facilitate and coordinate science that can inform and guide our habitat priorities and management decisions.
Partner Organizations

Ariana Rickard, Chair
The policy committee is responsible for tracking and analyzing policy issues and recommending policy positions to the SFBJV management board for approval and adoption. This committee serves as a regional, collaborative forum for discussing, analyzing, and elevating policy issues of interest to the partnership. Members who are able participate in the Association of Joint Venture Management Boards Fly-in meeting either virtually or in person in DC each year.
Partner Organizations

Alexis Gabriel, Co-Chair
The regional communications team meets quarterly to discuss best practices, strategies and tools for communicating about trending and emerging issues related to habitat restoration, diversity, equity and inclusion, and the estuary at large.
Partner Organizations
- Bay Nature Magazine
- California Coastal Conservancy
- Ducks Unlimited
- Point Blue Conservation Science
- San Francisco Estuary Institute
- San Francisco Estuary Partnership
- Save The Bay
- San Francisco Bay Regional Water Board
- SF Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
- South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project
- UC California Naturalist Program
- US Fish & Wildlife Service
- Wildlife Conservation Board
People and Habitats

Casey Skinner, Chair
The purpose of this committee is to ensure fairness, representation, and accessibility in the governance and operations of the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV) partnership. The committee acknowledges that intentionally and authentically creating welcoming and engaging spaces elevates all of the SFBJV conservation and habitat restoration goals. Furthermore, thoughtfully incorporating these principles is both ethically responsible and practical for advancing conservation in the San Francisco Bay Area.